We provide excellent career development opportunities and pre-defined
professional growth paths to all our employees. We feel that the company’s
growth is attained by growth of each individual employee. Based on the abilities
and inclination, we carefully chart out career path from being an Individual
Contributor or a Tech Lead managing small projects to Systems Architects; at the
same time opportunities in management are also provided from being a
Team/Project Manager to a Delivery Manager or a Program Manager.
We are an equal opportunity provider and do not discriminate any employee for
providing proper roles and religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, race, marital
status, ancestry, etc. does not matter to us.
Along with technically challenging opportunities, each employee gets an excellent
benefits package that matches some of the top players in the industry. Along
with a deserving pay package, other benefits like Leaves and Holidays,
Hospitalization Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, recreation facilities,
etc. are at par with top companies.
We make sure to hear and address the
needs of the employees and act accordingly to make sure each one is satisfied
and is able to focus on the work challenges at best possible efficiency.
We have developed an unique work culture where we try to adapt Clients’ work practices while still maintaining 7tech IT Services Pvt Ltd work ethics and integrity. We believe each employee to be a family member and make sure that the environment is also conducive to that. We strongly believe that having a close bond amongst ourselves will enable us to provide better services to our Clients.